Tuesday 21 February 2012

Happy Birthday to meeeeeeee!!!

This year was amazing.
I have had three years of shite, eating disordered birthdays and this one couldn't have been further away. I had a lovely dress, a lovely boyfriend, lovely friends, lovely food and a lovely night out.
I had been busying researching different places to eat for weeks and decided on Pizza Express. I booked a table for 8pm and got cracking with some exposure work.
All i have been doing for weeks now is eating out. It started with a snack in Starbucks and then continued from there. I had a salad on the tram and a couple of things out and about. It was all very promising and this habituation lark actually started working.
If I were to turn back time to October, I would have NEVER imagined even considering eating a slice of satsuma in the middle of a flipping field, on my own. Now, im able to go to a restaurant!
Its still extremely anxiety provoking but i actually managed to keep my cool and to enjoy myself.
I wont do a recap on the actual service at Pizza Express because it was a flipping hoke. I've decided that it's now called 'Pizza Nuff-time' lol. That should explain enough!

The night out afterwards was lovely. I was in my famous 'im not drunk. Lets keep drinking' mood, which is standard really. I went back and stayed at Johns and got way way way too drunk. My god.

Yesterday was my actual birthday and i spent it in true Charlene-style. Hook on the TV, a couple of bottles of beer (manbeast) and time with my sister. I had PJs on all day and one of the highlights was my bubble bath. I am a moron.

Seriously though, all in all, i had such a wonderful birthday.

Reason #87687268762 why recovery is the best decision i have ever ever EVER made!


  1. :) :) :) SO MANY SMILES FOR YOU SPARKLES, so hapy reading this. Long reign the recoverey head!

  2. :D :D :D Yay! This makes me sooooo happy!! :D xxxxxxxx Love you Sparkles xxx

  3. and me too - this makes me smile from ear to ear xxxx

  4. :) Good for you, pretty lady. Good for you.
