Monday, 15 August 2011


This weekend has been a strange one.
Its been really fun but i am now left feeling absolutely exhausted!
Excessive is the only word to describe it. Too much alcohol. TOO MUCH food. Too much fun lol
It started off all nice and lovely. Friday night was boooooring, so i called my friend at about half eight and told her to hurry up and get ready because we were going out. We had such a nice night. She is having sad times at the minute and things are difficult so i knew it would be just what she needed! I was right, as always! ;)
I dont know if i have mentioned it but i have been dating this guy. I stayed over at his house last night and I got drunk and snored. Oh, the shame! But we had fun ;)
And today has literally consisted of nothing but food. I feel so sluggish and worn out and all my body is tender from the bingeing. I am feeling well and truly shite about it. :(
Not to worry though...I always feel calmer about these kinds of situations when i know that a new week is about to start. I don't even know why this is because the thoughts are never what you would call 'positive' - they're actually pretty destructive but i just need this bit of calm. Simple.

Tomorrow morning, i have a scary 'lady appointment' at the doctors. Totally looking forward to that. NOOOOT! Then, im coming back home to try to hide from the world because everything is a bit scary and intimidating at the minute. FML. Lol.

This week does have some exciting plans though! I am going to be seeing my beloved LK. She is my best and i haven't seen her properly in aaaaaages. :) We get eachother and just, we understand everything. Her thoughts mirror most of mine and we both just feel comfortable in each-other's company. Its not EFFORT, which is always good! I am travelling down to hers on Thursday and then we're driving up here together. I am actually excited. The only thing i am fucking terrified of is seeing her family. They haven't seen me for almost a year, and i am MONSTROUS. Uggh. It's going to be really difficult but i just need to get it over and done with. Plus, i am going to be staying down there for a few days in September anyways so i may as well have a short trip so that i don't build the anxiety up even further in the run-up to the birthday plans of September. Fucking scared as a monkey (lol)

Lucie is away at the moment. She left on Saturday and has gone on holiday for TWO WHOLE WEEKS. I am missing her already. And Annabella. :( I proper could cry. They are my only constant routine, outside of the ED and appointments, so its kind of left a whole. Lol. Drama queen, much?!

Oooh. And tomorrow is Happy Monday! The weekly trip to the pub with my sister and our friend, Alice! YIPPEEEEEE. I love Happy Mondays so much!
i will not get drunk
i will not get drunk
i will not get drunk
i will not get drunk

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